How it's done?

Personalization is done with embossing/stamping technique under high pressure. This method preserves the natural look of the leather.

Each letter, number, or special character requires a stamp. Stamps, usually brass, can withstand high pressure and heat (for embossing with foil).

Which means that we can only emboss letters, numbers and characters for which we have stamps.

Add personalization

So what can be embossed?

Height of the standard capital letter is 6mm, while small letters are 4mm. All letters are in Gill Sans font. Available letters and characters are:

  • English alphabet: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
  • Latvian special characters: ĀāČčĒēĢģĪīĶķĻļŅņŪūŽž
  • Numbers: 1234567890
  • Other characters: . : , ; “ „ ! ? ( ) @ & + - * / = # … — ☺ ☻ ♥ •

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